From The East

February Stated Communication

Our next Stated Communication is Monday February 3rd, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. (Dinner 6:00 P.M.)

Regular Business:

Program: DDGM Gregory R. Martin

Members Dress: Business suits

Officers Dress: Tuxedos

By order of:
Wor. J. Steven Schaefer
Mt. Wor. Alan W. Adkins, Secretary

From the East


Our January stated meeting was a fantastic evening. Despite being moved due to snow, we had a great turnout, and dinner at the new price of $10 was well received.

Westhampton Introduction Cards were distributed, offering free dinner with cards signed by MMs and guests interested in joining Masonry. These cards should be turned in to the Secretary.

The theme of the night was Membership, with a short video and presentations on the topic by Charles Robinson Jr. and Finding Your Personal Compass by Doug Messimer.

Wor. Schaefer had the honor of presenting Certificates of Appreciation from the Grand Lodge to several members for their Perfect Attendance at the 2024 stated meetings.

Looking ahead, Westhampton will be welcoming DDGM Gregory Ryan Martin, so it is important for all officers to attend the Wednesday night practices. We encourage as many Brethren as possible to attend our stated meeting on February 3rd.

At this meeting, we will also review our 2025 Financial Budget and vote on a Ladies Night Out at the Grapevine Restaurant. Packages are available from $30 to $42 per person, with the Lodge typically covering the cost for the Ladies.

Dinner will be served at 6 p.m., featuring Chili (both HOT and Not so hot options), with cornbread, salad, and dessert. The price remains $10.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Wor. James Stephen Schaefer
Worshipful Master