Everyone is looking for an experience to make themselves better and a part of a social network. There are many social societies to belong to, but few are designed to make a good man better. Unlike on-line social networks or blogs, we meet on a regular basis face to face to go beyond memes and sound bites. We are not a religion, but we begin by asking that each candidate believes in a higher power or deity. Unlike some social clubs or groups, we don’t require you to be Christian, Jewish, Muslim or any specific faith, but that you believe in a god to whom you may answer. An ecumenical prayer is given at the opening and closing of each meeting so we may meditate on the coming tasks. To show reverence to God the Bible is opened on our altar during meetings for guidance. If you travel to other countries or districts, you may find a Torah, Koran or other spiritual book opened, depending on the majority of the members present.